


An Automated, Comprehensive And Data-Driven Approach To Assist SME Exporters In Sri Lanka

The Novelty of Ceyloneez

It was discovered that larger firms managed to outperform SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises) in terms of export revenue and growth even during these challenging times.

A study was conducted by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura to identify the barriers Sri Lankan SMEs face.

We visited SMEs in Kaluthara pradeshiyasaba to get their perspectives on the challenges they face.

We identified below questions:

  • Difficulties to find suppliers with proper certifications.
  • Lack of access to foreign markets and demands. .
  • Difficulties in verifying the optimal packaging option for a product.
  • Not having a one platform to streamline the entire-process.

An automated, comprehensive and data-driven approach to assist SME exporters in Sri Lanka to find certified suppliers, find foreign marketing opportunities, validate packaging standards all in a one platform.

What we offer

This is how we helped Cey

Using Image Processing

By Utilizing web scraping, automated information retrieval was achieved for targeted products to enhance the overall exporting process.

Machine Learning

A neural network (CNN) verifies seller certificates, permitting platform entry solely for certified sellers to ensure all certified sellers can join the platform.

Data Science

Seasonal AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) model analyzes time-series data to identify global market trends.


Ready to see results in your business? Contact us today and see the plan the future of your business success.

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